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Chinese translation for "caesar salad"


Related Translations:
caesar:  n.1.【历史】凯撒;罗马帝国。2.暴君,独裁者。短语和例子Julius Caesar朱利乌斯凯撒〔公元前100-44,罗马将军,皇帝,政治家,历史家〕。 Great Caesar! 啊呀!天哪!
salad:  n.1.色[沙]拉〔凉拌生菜〕;色[沙]拉用蔬菜。2.〔美、方〕(特指)莴苣,生菜。
salad dressing:  色[沙]拉用调料〔植物油、醋、香料等的混合〕。
salad days:  没有经验的少年时代,少不更事的时期。
salad oil:  色[沙]拉油〔多用净纯橄榄油〕。
caesarean salad:  凯撒色拉〔一种用长莴苣、大蒜、凤尾鱼、油泡面包片等拌成的色拉〕。
combination salad:  〔美俚〕垃圾。
corn salad:  【植物;植物学】野苣。
Example Sentences:
1.Funny enough , they don t do caesar salad with that
2.Funny enough , they don ` t do caesar salad with that
3.I will go with the chicken caesar salad and onion soup
4.Waiter : mixed greens or caesar salad
5.Of a national television network is sitting around their caesar salads -
6.Of a national television network is sitting around their caesar salads - -
要员们竟然坐在这儿吃恺撒沙拉- -
7.I would like to have the caesar salad but can you make it with extra anchovy
8.Waiter : here you go . tonight we have a special grilled steak served with baked potato , caesar salad , and dessert
9.He showered afterwards , put on a clean shirt for the video calls he planned to make later , and consumed the caesar salad his maid had prepared for his lunch
10.The lady begins ordering practically everything on the menu , shrimp cocktail , pate , caesar salad , lobster , crepes suzette , with no regard to the price
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